Meet Daisy
Daisy is a life enthusiast! A whirlwind combination of sunshine and monsoons. She loves Jesus, people, and almost everything nature (except spiders!) It was her love of nature and people that started her interest in photography at a young age. In college, with access to a dark room, Daisy really discovered the mystery of capturing light, mixing chemicals, playing with shadows, and the eye for composition. That was when the passion was born! In 2010 when she received her first DSLR that passion turned in a business. Daisy started off with family photos and high school seniors and worked on developing her skills both in-camera and post editing. Watching tutorials, and reading endless books, and hours of practice she began to find her style and her preferences. Always learning, always growing. Always in love with light. Now she primarily captures the gorgeous Arizona desert both flora and fauna and has started an ever growing gallery of prints.